How to make people smile

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How to make people smile

 How to make people smile

We just don't grin enough in this world of ours. You will become a good buddy if you can make someone smile.


Would you like to make someone smile today? Perhaps brighten their day a little. You can accomplish that without spending any money or time at all. Additionally, since smiling spreads quickly, you'll probably make more people smile today than just one.


Here are ways to turn that frown upside down

  • Send some flowers to your partner at work.

  • Pay a friend or coworker a compliment on how they look.

  • Donate something to charity.

  • Take a friend out to lunch.

  • Let someone know you miss them.

  • Just to say hello, give your coworker a surprise phone call.

  • Offer a door to someone who is approaching you from behind.

  • Hug your partner for no reason.

  • Leave a joke on a friend's answer machine.

  • Tell a friend how much of a terrific friend they are in a card.

  • Give up your seat on the train to someone when there aren't any left.

  • When it rains, share your umbrella.

  • While shopping, ask a friend if they need anything.

  • When it's raining, plan an indoor picnic with your children.

  • A love letter should be left for your significant other to uncover.

  • Send someone an unusual and unexpected gift like chocolate, flowers, or sex toys.

  • Express your pride in your youngster.

  • Tell someone you thought about them the other day.

  • Cook a surprise meal for your partner one night, especially if they normally do the cooking.

  • Tell your partner you love them.

As you may know, a grin requires only 17 muscles, whereas a frown requires 43. When you could just grin instead of wasting all that energy frowning.


Here are some further smile-related facts

  • Women smile more than men.

  • Endorphins are released when we smile, which improves our mood.

  • Smiling is something we all naturally have; it's not something we pick up from other people.

  • A smile is a universal expression of happiness.

  • A person with a smile is regarded as more agreeable, appealing, gregarious, genuine, and capable than one without one.


      Smiling is contagious, so people are inclined to return the favor when you smile.


     Be Helpful and Kind: When others need your help, give it to them; converse with them courteously and kindly. These deeds can arouse appreciation and smiles.
    Employ Jokes and Humor: Having fun and laughing can make you happy. Try telling jokes and humor in a lighthearted and proper way.
    As you listen to people, genuinely engage with them and pay close attention to what they have to say. This can make them grin and give them a sense of value.
    Show Your Gratitude: Whether by words or deeds, acknowledge the good work others have done for you and show them your appreciation. Those who are grateful can smile and be happy.

    Offer Small Gifts: Simple and thoughtful gifts like thank-you cards and flowers can be useful in bringing smiles and showing care.

    Be Positive: Focus on the positive aspects of life and encourage others to do the same. Optimism and positivity can spread to others and bring smiles to their faces.

  Just keep in mind that the simplest and least expensive approach to appear better is to smile.
