Macaroni Recipes

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Macaroni Recipes

Macaroni Recipes



Many of the ingredients found in Macaroni are vital to the body. In addition, they contain dietary fiber, which supports better systemic health and helps prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Moreover, it contains fiber and vitamins such as iron, magnesium, zinc, B and C vitamins


: Home-made macaroni

Add one well-beaten egg and enough water to four cupfuls of flour to produce a rollable dough. On a breadboard, roll thin and cut into strips. In the sun, dry out. The ideal setup for this is a wooden frame with a square of cheesecloth firmly nailed to it. The macaroni may be placed on top of the frame so that it doesn't contact anything, and then it can be covered with more cheesecloth to keep the dust off while it dries


Boiled macaroni :

Cook a large cup of macaroni in boiling water until it's soft. Once finished, drain well, and then whisk in one well-beaten egg, a pint of milk (or half a can of cream if you can afford it), a little salt, and heat until it thickens. Serve hot


Macaroni with cream sauce :

Prepare the cream sauce by bringing a small pint of rich milk to a boil in a double boiler and then cook the macaroni according to the recipe. Once the mixture reaches a boiling point, mix in a generous tablespoon of flour, and one-fourth teaspoon of salt, and smooth it with a little milk. If preferred, one can add flavor to the sauce by steeping a slice of onion or a few bits of celery in the milk before it thickens for ten or fifteen minutes, and then scraping it out with a fork.


Macaroni with tomato sauce :

Pour a cup of macaroni into a mixture of boiling water and milk. Boil it for one hour, or until it reaches the ideal tenderness. Meanwhile, make the sauce by straining a pint of canned or stewed tomatoes through a colander to get rid of all the seeds and pieces. Bring to a boil and add some flour to thicken it; one tablespoon for every pint is roughly the right amount. Add a half cup of very thin sweet cream and salt, if desired. Split the macaroni into individual serving bowls and drizzle a little of the sauce over each.


Macaroni baked with granola :

Boil a full cup of macaroni with water until it's tender. When finished, drain the macaroni, place a layer of it in the bottom of a pudding dish, and top it with a small pinch of granola. Sprinkle granola on the second and third layers before covering the entire dish with a custard sauce made from a pint of milk, the well-beaten yolks of two eggs or one whole egg, and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt. It is important to stack the macaroni loosely so that the sauce can easily seep throughout the entire dish. After the custard has set sufficiently, bake for a few minutes just, and then serve.


Eggs and macaroni :

Bring a cup of macaroni to a boil. Boil the yolks of four eggs until they get thick and mealy while the macaroni cooks. If the egg is caught such that the whites are just jellied and not solidified and the yolks are mealy, the entire egg may be used. Once cooked, drain the macaroni and place a layer in the bottom of a pudding dish, loosely arranged. Cut the fried egg yolks into slices and cover the macaroni with a layer of them. Place alternating layers of macaroni and egg in the dish, being careful to leave space for the macaroni on top.

Drizzle a cream sauce made as follows over the entire thing: Bring one and a quarter cups of rich milk to a boil, then stir in one teaspoon of salt and a generous spoonful of flour that has been smoothed over a little amount of cold milk. After cooking until the macaroni is thick, flip it over. After adding grated bread crumbs to the top, bake it for eight or ten minutes at a high temperature to brown it. Warm up the food.

