3 Mistakes to Steer Clear of While Losing Weight

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3 Mistakes to Steer Clear of While Losing Weight


3 Mistakes to Steer Clear of While Losing Weight
Losing Weight


3 Mistakes to Steer Clear of While Losing Weight


There are times on your weight loss journey when progress can stop. It can become extremely frustrating when days or weeks pass without you seeing any movement on the scale. 

After working with thousands of clients, I've noticed certain patterns that can lead to this weight loss stoppage. These three patterns are examples of when progress can stop on your weight loss journey.


 1- Eating more than you realize you are.

There is one clear advantage to diet programs like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Zone Delivery Service, and others: they help the general public understand what a true "serving" actually is. The majority of us underestimate how much food we actually eat, which leads us to underestimate how many calories we actually consume each day.


The amount of food we eat at each meal can be more accurately estimated (and, as a result, evaluated and calibrated) if you can mentally picture what a serving size or "portion" of food looks like. Remember that in order to lose weight, you must consume less calories than you expend each day.

Two useful rules of thumb

A- 3 oz. piece of meat is the size of a deck of cards

B- cup of carbs is approximately the size of a tennis ball


Please remember to eat enough of non-starchy veggies; they are high in nutrients, have a low influence on blood sugar, and have little calories.


Not eating often enough -2

It is a social custom to eat "three square meals" per day. While this may suffice for social purposes, if you want to lose weight, you should aim for more frequent meals. It is recommended that you eat at least 5-6 modest meals every day. By doing so, your body receives the message that food is plentiful and there is no need to conserve energy.

Furthermore, frequent feedings boost your metabolism because your body is constantly active, burning calories while digesting your meals. By limiting the time between meals,

You maintain blood sugar levels since they never have an opportunity to decline. Keeping your blood sugar constant reduces your hunger levels, lowering the likelihood that you will be tempted to overeat at your next meal.


3 Mistakes to Steer Clear of While Losing Weight
3 Mistakes to Steer Clear of While Losing Weight

 -3 Choosing to drink calories rather than eat them.

This is a relatively prevalent problem among those wanting to lose weight, owing to the profusion of "healthy" diet smoothies, protein concoctions, and weight loss beverages. When using liquid meal replacements, there are two things to consider.


First, many liquid diet shakes on the market, as well as all fruit smoothies, are high in sugar. This generates an instant increase in energy, followed by a massive drop as insulin is released to manage blood sugar levels. This abrupt shift in blood hormone levels (especially insulin levels) is something you should avoid, both for health reasons and weight loss.

Second, most weight loss shakes lack fiber. Fiber is one of your most valuable partners when dieting. It makes you feel full and reduces the spike in insulin levels when all that sugar enters your system. While fruit smoothies contain some fiber from the fruit's pulp, eating the real fruits in the smoothie is a preferable method.


Finally, the number of calories that can be concentrated into a shake or smoothie is significantly more than the equal volume of actual meal.  A 16-ounce fruit smoothie can contain up to 600 calories and will not fill you up too much! On the other hand, 600 calories of fruit is far more than the average individual can have in a single sitting.


Consider this: while making substantial dietary adjustments, you want to make the most of your calories. Wouldn't you rather full up than drink anything and then be hungry again shortly after?

This article will help you a lot Free Programs for Losing Weight




