Be Happy! Why Worry ?

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Be Happy! Why Worry ?

? Be Happy! Why Worry


Worry is the silent killer. Nothing is solved by worrying. Worrying about the past is futile, worrying about the future is folly.  Just act in the present.  Worry is the root cause of many physical and mental illnesses.  Worry is a great waste of time and energy.


Anxiety kills silently.  Like a poison that works slowly.  It's a long-term condition.  It is an illness, in reality, even more terrible than physical. illnesses.  Our minds are impacted by worry in addition to our bodies.


            You would discover that fretting about anything is essentially pointless if you gave it some serious thought.  Idiotic preoccupation with the past or the future is absurd.  The past is irreversible.  Whatever has transpired has transpired.  Why be alarmed?  How can we be affected by something that hasn't happened yet?  How can we know for sure that this will be such a dark future?  Things might work out nicely.  So why should one worry?  Worrying only makes us tired and impairs our ability to plan and think clearly.  It encourages pessimistic thinking.  We ought to make resolutions and positive affirmations instead of worrying.


Everyone would worry to the maximum extent feasible if worry could remedy the issue.  Planning and clear thought are necessary for problem solutions.  However, worry prevents us from thinking clearly or making plans.  Many things will occur regardless of our concerns if they are going to happen at all.   It will rain if it's going to.


We fret over trivial matters.  Even the worst-case situation might not be severe enough to cause concern.  Your supervisor is furious with you.  You're afraid he'll fire you.  What use is it?  The world will not perish because of that.  You are not dead yet.  You might be hired for a better position.  You hate having to go to work the following day.  You consider submitting your letter of resignation.  worrying when you go to work.  Your boss gives you a call.  He expresses regret.  


He made a mistake. Not only should we not worry about insignificant things, but we should also not worry about things that appear to be significant. Things that appear monumental and significant today will look insignificant by tomorrow.  During your time as a student, you probably spent days worrying about answering an objective question incorrectly, even if you knew the correct response. These questions only carried a half mark.  How much did you stress over a dress for a formal event, meeting a boy or girl you liked, or your friend's family moving?  Do these things really matter now?  Why stress over a broken glass, spilled milk, or missing the bus?


Naturally, no one worries only to worry.  Anxiety simply appears in the mind and then persists.  However, a lot of people never give a thought.  Worrying appears to be a kind of terrible habit.   It is difficult to break the worrying behavior, just like any other unhealthy habit.  Therefore, never develop a habit of worrying in the first place.  Secondly, attempt to distract yourself.  Consider the good things in life.  Engage in some physical exertion.  Avoid spending time with folks who are constantly worried and who only perceive the worst aspects of things.


Having nervous people in your life may help you remain one step ahead of danger from an evolutionary perspective, but that instinct frequently fails to distinguish between needless and needless fear.

While some of us are wired to be adventurous and risk-takers, others are wired to be cautious and perceptive.

Seeking a medium ground is usually advantageous, depending on which end of the spectrum you're closer to.

If you're willing to take chances, you might appreciate unwinding at home and occasionally taking it easy. However, if you tend to be careful, you might be surprised to learn how enjoyable and healthful it can be to push yourself.



Be Happy! Why Worry ?
Be Happy! Why Worry?

 How can you put an end to your worries?

  1.     Meditation and mindfulness.
  2.     inhaling deeply.
  3.     Engage in self-compassion.
  4.     Perform a body scan.
  5.     Tell your loved ones about your anxieties.
  6.     Show appreciation for what you have.
  7.     Maintain a journal of your feelings.
  8.     Keep a regular sleep routine.

Instead of useless worrying, one should take positive action




